Impactful Yet Low-Maintenance Landscaping Can Be Achieved With Expert Masonry in the Great Falls, VA, Area

Lush, gorgeous plantings can make a huge difference in the enjoyment of your Great Falls, VA, area landscape design. When they accompany expert masonry features, the appearance of your landscape can have a dramatic visual impact. If this piques your interest, see the ways low-maintenance landscaping in particular, accompanied by masonry features, can transform your estate. 

Related: When to Think About Masonry Features During the Landscape Design Process in the Great Falls, VA, Area

A Curated Entry Courtyard

For your front entry, a stone courtyard would give you a special place to admire your neighborhood along with a way to signify to visitors that they are most welcome at your home. Leading to this outdoor space could be a walkway composed of geometric flagstone set in a pleasing pattern—presenting a delightful route for guests as they progress toward your door. A curved retaining wall could form an attractive division between the walkway and a plush carpet of grass and landscaped beds. This partial retaining wall can be the perfect spot to sit and chat when guests arrive before heading inside or moving on to the backyard. 

The curve of the retaining wall can contrast with the multiple rectangular shapes of the house windows, the walkway stone shapes, and the stately height of the front porch columns. 

Plantings: The plantings in your new courtyard can be impactful without requiring extensive ongoing maintenance, if they are chosen carefully. The curved retaining wall can be flanked by a pair of ornamental trees that don’t grow large enough to obscure the view of the house but will produce lovely flowers to admire seasonally. 

When the courtyard design is accented by blooming shrubs and seasonal flowers, this courtyard entry combination can be sure to wow your guests. 

A Backyard Escape

Envision a backyard patio that you want to return to as much as possible, perhaps starting each day out on the paver patio with a hot mug of coffee. While walking down the stairs that lead to the patio, you could easily deadhead flowers nestled into the masonry wall planters. Or these planters could be filled with easily reachable herbs, used for both cooking purposes and a divine aroma as you enjoy your patio time. 

Outdoor fireplace: Sitting right in the center of a retaining wall along the patio can be an outdoor fireplace that delivers warmth and gentle light for relaxing moments outside. Crafted of the same wall blocks used for the retaining wall, the outdoor fireplace can fit seamlessly into the backyard design. 

With perennial selections in the planters, the beauty will return year after year to add color and vibrant green to your backyard landscape. Whether you are relaxing by the outdoor fireplace or enjoying a casual dinner on a summer evening, the overall effect can be stunning. 

By choosing a landscaping company with multiple awards for outstanding landscape planting and masonry designs, you can be sure to have a landscape you will admire for ages. And if you wish, it could require very little maintenance in relation to its impact, depending on whether native plantings and durable masonry materials are used. 

Related: Intentional Landscaping: How Planting Selection Matters for a Beautiful View in the Great Falls and Brambleton, VA, Areas


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